I am totally new to C++ programming on gcc. I wanted to add color to my text on the output on the console. Since there is no conio.h on linux, I researched and found that ncurses.h could do the trick. Now the only problem is that I do not know how to download it and then add the library. Can someone please describe the method?

Also, if anybody can describe whether ncurses.h is a better option than curses.h or if I am completely wrong in using curses.h?

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on ubuntu:

install ncurses library (packages for developers has "-dev" postfix)

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev

for each package, in /usr/share/doc/{package name}/ you can find documentation.

Open this URL file:///usr/share/doc/libncurses5-dev/html/index.html in your browser.

Have fun.

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